
This is the 394th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Jozef" is the Slovak form of the name "Joseph."

In this sentence, the word 'Jozef' is used as a proper noun referring to a person named Jozef.

Jozef je môj najlepší priateľ.

Jozef is my best friend.

Here, 'Jozefa' is the accusative form of the proper noun 'Jozef,' showing it as the direct object of the verb 'videli sme.'

Videli sme Jozefa v parku.

We saw Jozef in the park.

In this sentence, 'Jozefovu' shows possession by Jozef, being the genitive form used to modify 'rodinu,' meaning family.

Pozdravili sme Jozefovu rodinu.

We greeted Jozef's family.