
This is the 944th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Jozefa" is the Slovak feminine given name equivalent to "Josepha" in English.

The word 'Jozefa' is the genitive singular form of the masculine proper noun 'Jozef', used here to denote possession or association in the context of visiting his property.

Dnes sme navštívili Jozefa na jeho farme.

Today we visited Jozef on his farm.

The word 'Jozefa' denotes possession or association, specifically in the genitive case, relating to the item described.

Našli sme knihu Jozefa, ktorú stratil.

We found Jozef's book, which he had lost.

In this instance, the word 'Jozefa' is modified to 'Jozefovi' to reflect its usage in the locative case, indicating the subject of the discussion.

Hovorili sme o Jozefovi a jeho príbehoch.

We talked about Jozef and his stories.