
This is the 701st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Katarína" is a Slovak female given name, equivalent to "Katherine" in English.

In this sentence, 'Katarína' is used as a proper noun, referring to a specific person.

Katarína je talentovaná speváčka.

Katarína is a talented singer.

In this sentence, 'Katarínu' is used in an accusative form as the direct object of the verb.

Práve spomínam našu kamarátku Katarínu.

I am just mentioning our friend Katarína.

Here, 'Kataríny' refers to Saint Katarína, as a part of a genitive construction in Slovak to indicate possession or association.

Na sviatok svätej Kataríny si pamätáme.

We remember the feast day of Saint Katarína.