
This is the 653rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "kauze" translates to "case" or "affair" in English, typically referring to a legal case or a significant matter.

In this sentence, 'kauze' refers to a significant or public matter, often one involving controversy or investigation.

V médiách sa objavili správy o novej politickej kauze.

News about a new political case appeared in the media.

Here, 'kauze' denotes an issue or case from history that is being analyzed or discussed.

Diskusia o tejto historickej kauze stále pokračuje.

The discussion about this historical case is still ongoing.

In this context, 'kauze' represents a legal case or accusation involving fraudulent activities.

Súd sa zaoberal kauzou podvodu veľkej firmy.

The court dealt with the fraud case of a large company.