
This is the 132nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Keďže" means "since" or "because."

Here, 'keďže' indicates the reason or cause, similar to 'since' or 'because' in English.

Keďže mám voľno, môžem navštíviť novú výstavu.

Since I have a day off, I can visit the new exhibition.

In this sentence, 'keďže' is used to explain the condition that leads to the suggested action, indicating causality.

Keďže sme sa už stretli, môžeme pokračovať v diskusii.

Since we have already met, we can continue the discussion.

Here, 'keďže' connects the cause (being reminded) to the consequence (not forgetting), exemplifying rationale or explanation.

Keďže si mi to pripomenul, nezabudnem sa zajtra zúčastniť.

Since you reminded me, I won't forget to participate tomorrow.