
This is the 547th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Klientov" means "clients" in English (genitive or accusative plural form).

The word 'klientmi' is the instrumental plural form of 'klient', used here after the preposition 'so' to indicate with whom the action is performed.

Stretávam sa so svojimi klientmi každý deň.

I meet with my clients every day.

The word 'klientov' here is the genitive plural form of 'klient', used to indicate possession of the new strategy being prepared.

Pripravujeme novú stratégiu pre našich klientov.

We are preparing a new strategy for our clients.

The word 'klientov' serves as the accusative plural form of 'klient', functioning as the direct object of the welcoming action.

Včera sme privítali desiatky klientov v našej kancelárii.

Yesterday, we welcomed dozens of clients in our office.