
This is the 593rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Koalície" in English means "coalitions."

In this sentence, 'koalície' is used to describe alliances or coalitions formed by political parties.

Koalície medzi politickými stranami sa často vytvárajú po voľbách.

Coalitions between political parties are often formed after elections.

Here, 'koalície' refers to groups or alliances of organizations working together for environmental causes.

Ekologické koalície z celého sveta bojujú za ochranu prírody.

Environmental coalitions from around the world fight for the protection of nature.

In this context, 'koalície' pertains to agreements or alliances formed between nations for a common purpose.

Historické koalície medzi národmi ovplyvnili priebeh mnohých vojen.

Historical coalitions between nations have influenced the course of many wars.