
This is the 121st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Konca" in Slovak means "end" (genitive singular form of "koniec").

Here, 'konca' refers to the 'end' or 'termination point' of a road, used in the genitive singular form.

Nevidím konca tejto cesty.

I don't see the end of this road.

This phrase uses 'konca' in a figurative sense, implying disorganization or lack of structure, derived from its literal meaning of 'end'.

Nemá to hlavu ani konca.

It lacks head nor tail.

In this sentence, 'konca' signifies 'end' or 'conclusion,' referring to the endpoint of an event, used with a preposition indicating time duration.

Až do konca zápasu hrali vyrovnane.

Until the end of the match, they played equally.