
This is the 985th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Kontrolovať" means "to check" or "to control."

Here, 'kontrolovať' is used to mean 'to check or review,' signifying action to ensure correctness.

Musí kontrolovať domácu úlohu každého študenta.

He must check the homework of every student.

In this context, 'kontrolovať' implies 'to test or examine,' highlighting scrutiny to ensure compliance.

Polícia kontroluje vodičov na prítomnosť alkoholu.

The police are testing drivers for alcohol presence.

Here, 'kontrolovať' means 'to inspect or ensure security' for a specific precautionary task.

Pred odchodom z domu je potrebné kontrolovať zamknutie dverí.

Before leaving the house, it is necessary to check the door locks.