
This is the 946th most frequent Slovak word.

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The word "kočnera" is not a standard Slovak word; it may be a proper noun or surname (e.g., referring to a person, like "Kočner").

In this sentence, 'Kočnera' is a proper noun, functioning as the object of the verb 'saw', referring to a person called Kočner.

Kočnera sme videli vo filme.

We saw Kočner in the movie.

Here, 'Kočnera' indicates possession and is part of a phrase giving additional information about the 'case' (prípad), linking it to the person named Kočner.

Spomenuli sme prípad Kočnera.

We mentioned the case of Kočner.

In this example, 'Kočnera' is in a genitive form, specifying attribution as it refers to the 'guilt' that is being decided upon.

Súd rozhoduje o vine Kočnera.

The court is deciding on Kočner's guilt.