
This is the 656th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Letiska" in English means "of the airport" (genitive singular or nominative plural form of "letisko," which means "airport").

Here, 'letiska' is still in the genitive case, showing possession or description of the airport's map.

Pozerám na mapu letiska.

I am looking at the map of the airport.

In this sentence, 'letiska' is in the genitive case (of the airport) indicating relation or origin.

Idem jedným smerom od letiska.

I am heading in one direction away from the airport.

In this sentence, 'letiska' remains in the genitive case as it complements the prepositional phrase 'in the vicinity of'.

Bol som v blízkosti letiska.

I was in the vicinity of the airport.