
This is the 791st most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "liečbu" means "treatment" in English.

Here, 'liečbu' is used in the accusative case as the direct object of the verb 'odporučili'.

Lekári odporučili liečbu na zmiernenie symptómov.

The doctors recommended treatment to alleviate the symptoms.

Here, 'liečby' is used in the genitive case to specify the type of options discussed, indicating possession or relation.

Pacientka diskutovala o možnostiach liečby so špecialistom.

The patient discussed treatment options with the specialist.

Here, 'liečbu' is used in the accusative case as the direct object of the verb 'zvoliť', signifying what is to be chosen.

Pre túto chorobu je dôležité zvoliť správnu liečbu.

For this illness, choosing the right treatment is important.