
This is the 395th most frequent Slovak word.

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The word "matoviča" does not have a standard definition in Slovak; it could be a possessive form of the surname "Matovič" or context-specific.

Used as a possessive form referring to Matovič's opinions or statements.

Diskutovali sme o vyjadreniach Matoviča.

We were discussing Matovič's statements.

Similarly used in a possessive form to denote a relationship between Matovič and his opinions.

Názory Matoviča sú kontroverzné.

Matovič's opinions are controversial.

Here, 'Matovičovom' is a grammatical inflection to align with the noun 'rozhodnutí' based on Slovak declension rules, showing ownership.

Mnoho ľudí diskutuje o Matovičovom rozhodnutí.

Many people are discussing Matovič's decision.