
This is the 948th most frequent Slovak word.

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The word "meghan" has no meaning in Slovak; it is likely a proper noun, such as a name.

Proper noun referring to a specific person's name.

Meghan je veľmi talentovaná umelkyňa.

Meghan is a very talented artist.

Proper noun used as the subject of the sentence in a more descriptive context.

Jej vizáž a štýl zaujali mnoho ľudí, keď Meghan prešla po červenom koberci.

Her appearance and style impressed many people when Meghan walked the red carpet.

Proper noun utilized as the name of an art series, showing symbolic or thematic significance.

Nová séria obrazu s názvom 'Meghan' rozpráva fascinujúci príbeh.

The new series of paintings titled 'Meghan' tells a fascinating story.