
This is the 382nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "mesiacov" means "months" (genitive plural form).

In this sentence, 'mesiacov' is used in the genitive plural form to indicate a quantity ('six months').

Pracujem tu už šesť mesiacov.

I have been working here for six months.

Here, 'mesiacov' is used in the genitive plural to convey possession or association ('of these months').

Počas týchto mesiacov sme sa veľa naučili.

During these months, we have learned a lot.

In this case, 'mesiacov' is employed as a genitive plural to complement the word 'názvy' (names), indicating it refers to the months.

Deti z triedy opakovali názvy mesiacov roka.

The children from the class repeated the names of the months of the year.