
This is the 206th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "milióna" means "of a million" (genitive singular form of "milión").

The word 'miliónov' in its genitive plural form indicating the quantity of people, used after a numeral in a grammatical construction.

Na svete žije viac ako sedem miliónov ľudí.

There are more than seven billion people in the world.

The word 'milión' in its singular form represents a precise quantity of euros won, acting as a numeral-determiner in the sentence.

Vyhrala som v lotérii milión eur!

I won a million euros in the lottery!

Here 'milióny' in its plural nominative form describes an approximate large quantity of families affected by poverty, demonstrating its use to denote a large number in a general sense.

Chudoba postihla milióny rodín po celom svete.

Poverty has affected millions of families around the world.