
This is the 452nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "milióny" means "millions" in English.

Here, 'milióny' is used as a noun to denote a vast number in the millions, emphasizing the large number of visitors.

Milióny ľudí navštevujú Paríž každý rok.

Millions of people visit Paris every year.

'Milióny' in this sentence represents an amount of money, specifically emphasizing wealth or savings.

Na tomto účte mám uložené milióny.

I have millions saved in this account.

In this context, 'milióny' is employed to describe the vast quantity of atoms that compose the Sun, focusing on the astronomical scale.

Slnko sa skladá z milióny rôznych atómov.

The Sun consists of millions of different atoms.