
This is the 239th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Museli" is the past tense of "must," meaning "had to."

Here, "museli" is used in the past tense indicating a necessity or obligation in the past.

Včera sme museli ísť nakupovať, pretože nám došlo jedlo.

Yesterday, we had to go shopping because we ran out of food.

In this sentence, "museli" is in the conditional mood, suggesting a hypothetical obligation or necessity.

Museli by ste sa viac snažiť, aby ste dosiahli úspech.

You would have to try harder to achieve success.

Here, "museli" is used in a contrafactual conditional clause to express an unfulfilled necessity in relation to a hypothetical scenario.

Ak by nám pomohli, nemuseli by sme to robiť sami.

If they had helped us, we would not have had to do it ourselves.