
This is the 290th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "médiá" translates to "media" in English, referring to means of communication or channels for disseminating information, such as television, radio, newspapers, or digital platforms.

Here, 'médiá' refers to communication platforms such as television, newspapers, and the internet, emphasizing their role in disseminating news.

Médiá informujú o aktuálnych udalostiach na svete.

The media inform about current events around the world.

Here, 'médiá' is used to signify institutions or channels of mass communication and their social influence.

Médiá zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu v modernej spoločnosti.

Media play an important role in modern society.

In this case, 'médiá' means different channels or methods, such as painting, sculpture, or digital, used for artistic expression.

V škole sme študovali rôzne médiá na umelcovu prezentáciu.

In school, we studied various mediums for an artist's presentation.