
This is the 552nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Médií" in Slovak means "of media" or "media" in the genitive plural form.

In this sentence, 'médií' refers to media in the context of student-run platforms, such as newspapers or broadcasts.

Študentské médiá zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu v rozvíjaní nových talentov.

Student media play an important role in developing new talents.

Here, 'médií' denotes the collective platforms for disseminating information, such as television, radio, and internet.

Správy v médiách častokrát ovplyvňujú verejnú mienku.

The news in the media often influences public opinion.

In this usage, 'médií' highlights the forms or channels through which art can be expressed, such as digital media or installations.

Moderné umenie často využíva nové formy médií na vyjadrenie svojich myšlienok.

Modern art often uses new forms of media to express its ideas.