
This is the 67th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Najmä" means "especially" or "particularly" in English.

Here, 'najmä' introduces a specific example 'apples' to emphasize its particular preference among a general category 'all kinds of fruit'.

Mám rád všetky druhy ovocia, najmä jablká.

I like all kinds of fruit, especially apples.

In this context, 'najmä' specifies that the action mentioned is predominant or more frequent during the referenced time period 'summer'.

Najmä počas leta chodíme na dovolenky pri mori.

Especially during summer, we go on vacations by the sea.

'Najmä' here introduces a topic 'financing' that is emphasized as the main or most significant issue among the discussed ones.

Na schôdzke sa hovorilo o mnohých problémoch, najmä o financovaní.

During the meeting, many issues were discussed, particularly about financing.