
This is the 769th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "nato" means "after that" or "then" in English.

Here 'nato' is used as a preposition meaning 'towards it, on it' indicating a direction or focus.

Otočil sa nato, aby videl, kto vošiel.

He turned towards it to see who entered.

In this context, 'nato' acts as a conjunctive adverb meaning 'and then, after that,' showing a sequence of actions.

Najskôr sme sa pripravili, nato sme vyrazili na cestu.

First, we prepared, and then we set out on the journey.

In this example, 'nato' is used as an adverb meaning 'following that, at that moment,' referring to a temporal connection.

Nato na neho začali kričať.

Following that, they started shouting at him.