
This is the 482nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Nemali" means "they did not have" in English.

The word 'nemali' here indicates the past negative form of 'mali', referring to not having or experiencing something (a state of well-being).

Nemali sme sa dobre, keď nás zasiahla búrka.

We didn't feel good when the storm hit us.

'Nemali' here is used in a past questioning context addressing a lack of possession (having time).

Prečo nemali čas prísť na stretnutie?

Why didn't they have time to come to the meeting?

In this case, 'nemali' forms the conditional or advice expressing 'should not', implying a suggestion or recommendation.

Nemali by ste to robiť, ak vás to obťažuje.

You shouldn't do it if it bothers you.