
This is the 468th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "nemeckú" is the feminine accusative form of "nemecký," meaning "German" (related to Germany or the German language).

Here, 'Nemecku' is in the locative case, indicating location in Germany.

Môj priateľ študoval nemčinu v Nemecku.

My friend studied German in Germany.

In this sentence, 'Nemecku' is still in the locative case, expressing the place of interest.

Chcel by som niekedy navštíviť múzeum v Nemecku.

I would like to visit a museum in Germany someday.

Here, 'Nemecku' again takes the locative case since it discusses the subject of beauty in a specific place.

O kráse prírody v Nemecku sa veľa hovorí.

There is much talk about the beauty of nature in Germany.