
This is the 383rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "nemocniciach" means "in the hospitals."

This usage shows 'nemocniciach' as the locative plural form of 'nemocnica,' indicating a location where actions are happening.

V nemocniciach sa nachádza mnoho lekárov a zdravotných sestier.

In hospitals, there are many doctors and nurses.

Here, 'nemocniciach' is used to specify the setting where patients are situated and receive care, emphasizing the institution's role as a place of service.

Pacienti v nemocniciach dostávajú špecializovanú zdravotnú starostlivosť.

Patients in hospitals receive specialized healthcare.

The term 'nemocniciach' again marks the locative plural form, this time highlighting the connection with a geographic modifier.

V slovenských nemocniciach pracuje veľa profesionálov.

In Slovak hospitals, many professionals work.