
This is the 886th most frequent Slovak word.

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It is the genitive plural form of "nemocnica," meaning "hospitals."

Here, 'nemocnice' is the plural form of the word, referring generally to multiple hospitals.

Mnohé nemocnice na Slovensku sú moderné a dobre vybavené.

Many hospitals in Slovakia are modern and well-equipped.

Here, 'nemocníc' is again in the genitive plural form to denote the target of the action described.

Videl som projekt budovania nových nemocníc na vidieku.

I saw a project for building new hospitals in the countryside.

In this sentence, 'nemocníc' is the genitive plural form used after the preposition 'niekoľko,' expressing possession or relation.

V blízkosti našej štvrte sa nachádza niekoľko nemocníc.

Several hospitals are near our neighborhood.