
This is the 453rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Niekoľkých" means "several" or "a few" in English.

In this sentence, 'niekoľkých' acts as a plural quantifier for 'vtákov' (birds), again representing 'a few' in a masculine animate context.

Videla som niekoľkých vtákov na strome.

I saw a few birds on the tree.

Here, 'niekoľkých' is a plural quantifier describing 'témach' (topics) in a feminine dative case.

Rozprávali sme sa o niekoľkých dôležitých témach.

We talked about a few important topics.

Here, 'niekoľkých' is used as a plural quantifier for the masculine animate noun 'dobrovoľníkov' (volunteers), showing a quantity of 'a few'.

Potrebujem niekoľkých dobrovoľníkov na dnešné podujatie.

I need a few volunteers for today's event.