
This is the 445th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "no" can mean "well," "so," or express agreement like "yeah" depending on context.

Here, 'no' is used as an interjection to signify agreement or decision, similar to 'alright' or 'okay' in English.

No dobre, urobím to na tvoj spôsob.

Alright, I'll do it your way.

In this sentence, 'no' acts as a filler word or pause, often translated as 'well' in English, used when someone is thinking before responding.

Máš všetko pripravené? No, ešte stále mi niečo chýba.

Do you have everything ready? Well, I’m still missing something.

Here, 'no' is used as a transition word to continue explaining a situation, similar to 'so' or 'and so' in English.

No a tak sme prišli neskoro na párty.

And so, we arrived late to the party.