
This is the 333rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Nr" in Slovak is an abbreviation for "Nitra," a city in Slovakia.

'NR' is used here as an abbreviation for 'Nitra', a Slovak city, often appearing in vehicle registration plates.

Moje auto má evidenčné číslo NR123AB.

My car has the registration number NR123AB.

'NR' refers to the city Nitra, acting as a proper noun or abbreviation often used for location.

V blízkosti NR sa nachádza krásny park.

Near NR, there is a beautiful park.

'nr' is used in a shortened form for 'napríklad', which translates to 'e.g.' or 'for instance' in English.

Cieľom tejto úlohy je objasniť praktické otázky, napr. rozpočet.

The goal of this task is to clarify practical matters, e.g., the budget.