
This is the 51st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Contagions" or "infections."

In this sentence, "nákazy" refers to the spread of disease or contamination, emphasizing its intensity and impact.

Pandémia sa šírila rýchlo kvôli vysokej úrovni nákazy.

The pandemic spread quickly due to the high level of contagion.

In this context, "nákazy" is used to describe the actual presence and transmission mechanism of a harmful agent or pathogen.

Viry a baktérie sú často hlavnými nositeľmi nákazy.

Viruses and bacteria are often the main carriers of infection.

Here, "nákazy" denotes the possibility or risk of infection, focusing on measures taken to avoid it.

Prevencia nákazy zahŕňa nosenie rúšok a časté umývanie rúk.

Prevention of infection includes wearing masks and frequent handwashing.