
This is the 723rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "nákladov" translates to "costs" or "expenses" in English.

In this sentence, 'nákladov' again indicates financial expenses, this time specifically related to energy.

Vysoká úroveň nákladov na energiu sťažuje podnikanie.

The high level of energy costs makes doing business difficult.

Here, 'nákladov' is used to generalize various expenses that need to be accounted for in planning.

Musíme zvážiť všetky druhy nákladov pred začiatkom projektu.

We must consider all types of costs before starting the project.

Here, 'nákladov' refers to the financial costs associated with transportation, conveying an economic perspective.

Ceny nákladov na dopravu sa tento rok zvýšili.

The costs of transportation have increased this year.