
This is the 185th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "národnej" translates to "national" in English.

In this sentence, 'národnej' describes the kind of sovereignty, specifying that it relates to the nation.

Slovenská hymna oslavuje duch národnej suverenity.

The Slovak anthem celebrates the spirit of national sovereignty.

Here, 'Národnej' is part of the proper name 'Národná galéria,' specifying it as the 'National Gallery' and reflecting its affiliation to the nation.

Navštívili sme výstavu v budove Národnej galérie.

We visited an exhibition in the building of the National Gallery.

In this instance, 'národnej' refers to the 'guard' and indicates that it is associated with or pertains to the nation.

Príslušníci národnej gardy sa pripravovali na pochod.

Members of the national guard were preparing for the march.