
This is the 889th most frequent Slovak word.

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Here, 'návrat' is used as a noun to denote the act of coming back to a place, specifically referring to going home.

Návrat domov bol pre mňa veľmi emotívny.

The return home was very emotional for me.

In this sentence, 'návrat' is employed as a noun to indicate a planned action of going back to a location, in a context of investigation.

Plánujeme návrat na miesto činu, aby sme zhromaždili viac dôkazov.

We are planning a return to the crime scene to gather more evidence.

Here, 'návrat' refers to resuming an activity or pursuit after an interruption, expressed as a noun.

Jeho návrat k štúdiu hudby bol očakávaný jeho priateľmi.

His return to studying music was anticipated by his friends.