
This is the 799th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "návrate" means "return" in English.

"Návrate" in this sentence is used in the context of considering (premýšľať o) returning home, where "návrate" is in the locative case.

O návrate domov som často premýšľal.

I often thought about returning home.

Here, "návrate" is used in a temporal context, referring to the event of his return, and is in the locative case following the preposition "po".

Po jeho návrate sa veci zlepšili.

After his return, things improved.

In this sentence, "návrate" refers to returning (the concept of a return) of certain abstract values and again occurs in the locative case governed by "o".

Hovorili sme o návrate stratených hodnôt.

We talked about the return of lost values.