
This is the 663rd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "názvom" translates to "name" in English (instrumental case).

Indicates the given name of a place.

Tá reštaurácia s názvom 'Modrá lagúna' ponúka vynikajúce jedlá.

The restaurant named 'Blue Lagoon' offers excellent meals.

Refers to the label or naming of a product.

Hudobný album s názvom 'Najlepšie hity 80. rokov' obsahuje známe piesne.

The music album titled 'Best Hits of the 80s' contains well-known songs.

Used to specify a title or name of a book.

Kniha s názvom 'Dobrodružstvá Toma Sawyera' je veľmi populárna.

The book with the title 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' is very popular.