
This is the 515th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "odňatia" translates to "deprivation" or "withdrawal" in English.

In this sentence, 'odňatia' signifies the legal or formal act of taking away or revoking someone's rights over something.

Proces odňatia práva na užívanie pozemku bol zdĺhavý.

The process of removing the right to use the land was lengthy.

Here, 'odňatia' is used to illustrate the official cancellation or revocation of a grant or permit.

Odňatie povolenia na podnikanie spôsobilo majiteľovi problémy.

The revocation of the business license caused problems for the owner.

The use of 'odňatia' here refers to the removal or taking away of someone's freedom, implying a legal or authoritative context.

Sud rozhodoval o odňatí slobody obvinenému.

The court was deciding on the withdrawal of freedom for the accused.