
This is the 173rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Okrem" means "except" or "besides" in English.

Here, 'okrem' is used to denote 'except for' or 'apart from' in the context of exclusion.

Okrem mňa nikto nepriniesol koláč na oslavu.

Apart from me, no one brought cake to the celebration.

In this instance, 'okrem' is utilized to express 'besides' or 'in addition to' in the context of inclusion.

Okrem matematiky sa musíme pripraviť aj na iné predmety.

Besides mathematics, we also need to prepare for other subjects.

Here, 'okrem' is employed to mean 'along with' in the sense of adding to or supplementing.

Okrem kníh mi dal aj zošit a pero.

Along with the books, he also gave me a notebook and a pen.