
This is the 179th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "októbra" means "October" in English, specifically in the genitive case.

The word "októbra" is used in its base form "október" but here it's in the genitive case to specify "of October".

V októbri sa dni skracujú.

In October, the days get shorter.

Here, "októbra" is used in the genitive case to indicate the time during October.

Pamätám si, že októbra bolo ešte teplo.

I remember that in October it was still warm.

The word "októbra" is in the genitive case, which is used after the preposition "koncom" and denotes the time period (at the end of October).

Oslávili sme veľký sviatok koncom októbra.

We celebrated a big holiday at the end of October.