
This is the 894th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "oznámili" means "they announced" in English.

The verb 'oznámili' means 'informed' in this sentence, referring to the action of communicating an announcement to others.

Oznámili sme našim priateľom o nadchádzajúcej oslave.

We informed our friends about the upcoming celebration.

Here, 'oznámili' is used to mean 'announced,' emphasizing the formal act of making others aware of a decision.

Oznámili svoje rozhodnutie verejnosti cez tlačovú konferenciu.

They announced their decision to the public through a press conference.

In this context, 'oznámili' signifies 'informed,' specifically within the personal setting of sharing news.

Rodičia nám na rodinnom stretnutí oznámili radostnú novinu.

Our parents informed us of joyful news at the family gathering.