
This is the 428th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "pandémia" means "pandemic" in English, referring to a widespread outbreak of a disease affecting multiple countries or continents.

Here, 'pandémia' refers to a global outbreak of an infectious disease, discussed in general.

Pandémia ovplyvnila celý svet.

The pandemic affected the entire world.

'Pandémie' is used in the locative case to denote a time period affected by the pandemic conditions.

Počas pandémie sa mnohí ľudia naučili nové zručnosti.

During the pandemic, many people learned new skills.

The word 'pandémiu' is in the accusative case here, indicating a direct object in a recommendation or future preparedness context.

Je dôležité byť pripravený na ďalšiu pandémiu.

It's important to be prepared for the next pandemic.