
This is the 895th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "parku" is the genitive or accusative singular form of "park," meaning "park" in English.

In this sentence, 'parku' is in the genitive case, used to indicate motion towards a location, commonly following the preposition 'do' (to).

Idem do parku, aby som si oddýchol.

I am going to the park to relax.

Here, 'parku' is in the locative case, used to indicate the location where an activity takes place, governed by the preposition 'v' (in).

Boli sme na prechádzke v parku.

We went for a walk in the park.

In this context, 'parku' is in the genitive case, denoting origin or source, in this case referring to sounds coming from the park.

Môj priateľ miluje zvuky z parku.

My friend loves the sounds from the park.