
This is the 341st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Percenta" in Slovak means "percent" in English.

Here, 'percenta' refers to a proportion or unit used to describe a part of a whole.

Výsledky testov ukázali, že dosiahol viac ako deväťdesiat percenta.

The test results showed that he achieved more than ninety percent.

In this sentence, 'percenta' is used to denote the share of the group in agreement.

Členovia hlasovali a viac ako sedemdesiat percenta podporilo návrh.

The members voted and more than seventy percent supported the proposal.

Here, 'percenta' describes the level of growth or increase experienced by the company.

Výnos spoločnosti sa zvýšil na osemdesiat percenta.

The company's earnings increased to eighty percent.