
This is the 807th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "podniku" means "of the enterprise" or "of the business" (genitive singular form of "podnik").

Here, 'podniku' refers to a business, emphasizing its organizational and operational aspects.

Úspešné vedenie podniku vyžaduje správne rozhodovanie.

Successfully managing a business requires proper decision-making.

Here, 'podniku' denotes an enterprise, focusing on its productivity and objectives.

Našim cieľom je zvýšiť efektivitu podniku za jeden rok.

Our goal is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise within one year.

Here, 'podniku' refers to an establishment or a place of business like a restaurant, emphasizing its role as a specific location.

Navštívime dnes večer nový reštauračný podnik v centre mesta.

We will visit a new restaurant establishment in the city center tonight.