
This is the 733rd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Political" (genitive plural form).

Here, 'politických' is an adjective in plural genitive form, describing 'systémov' (systems) by denoting that they pertain to politics.

Máš záujem o rôzne aspekty politických systémov?

Are you interested in different aspects of political systems?

In this sentence, 'politických' again acts as an adjective in the plural genitive form and qualifies 'škandálov' (scandals), indicating they are related to political matters.

Títo novinári často pracujú na odhaľovaní politických škandálov.

These journalists often work on uncovering political scandals.

Here, 'politických' is an adjective in plural genitive form modifying 'diskusií' (discussions) to specify their linkage to politics.

Úroveň politických diskusií sa výrazne zlepšila.

The level of political discussions has significantly improved.