
This is the 65th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Monday" in English.

Here, 'pondelok' is used as the subject of the sentence, referring to a specific day in a general statement.

Pondelok je prvý deň pracovného týždňa.

Monday is the first day of the work week.

In this sentence, 'pondelok' is in the locative case, used with the preposition 'v' to denote time.

V pondelok mám dôležitú schôdzku.

On Monday, I have an important meeting.

Here, 'pondelok' is in the accusative case, the object of the verb 'nemám rád', showing dislike towards it.

Nemám rád pondelok, pretože sa cítim unavený.

I don't like Monday because I feel tired.