
This is the 322nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "portál" means "portal" or "gateway" in English.

In this context, 'portál' refers to a website or a platform providing information or services.

Pozrel som si nový portál o spravodajských článkoch.

I checked out the new portal about news articles.

Here, 'portál' refers to a physical gateway or entrance, often having historical or mystical connotations.

Archeológovia objavili starobylý portál vedúci do strateného chrámu.

Archaeologists discovered an ancient portal leading to a lost temple.

In this example, 'portál' denotes an online platform tailored for educational purposes.

Portál umožňuje jednoduchý prístup k študijným materiálom pre študentov.

The portal allows easy access to study materials for students.