
This is the 157th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Poslanci" means "members of parliament" or "deputies" in English.

The word 'poslanci' is used in the context of elected officials making decisions in a parliament or council.

Poslanci schválili nový zákon o ochrane životného prostredia.

The deputies approved a new environmental protection law.

Here, 'poslanci' refers to members of a local council or governing body.

Na stretnutí sa zúčastnila aj skupina miestnych poslancov.

A group of local council members also attended the meeting.

In this sentence, 'poslancom' is used to denote representatives of the public whom constituents address with concerns.

Občania písali listy svojim poslancom s požiadavkami na zlepšenie dopravy.

Citizens wrote letters to their deputies with demands to improve transportation.