
This is the 602nd most frequent Slovak word.

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"Potravín" in English means "food" or "groceries."

Here, 'potravín' is used in the genitive plural form, referring to groceries or foodstuffs that are lacked, typical in Slovak when talking about quantities.

Potravín nemáme dosť na celý týždeň.

We do not have enough groceries for the whole week.

'Potravín' here is again in the genitive plural, descriptive of the type of foods needed, showcasing its use in describing qualities or types.

Pre správne fungovanie tela je potrebný prísun potravín bohatých na vitamíny.

For proper body functioning, an intake of foods rich in vitamins is necessary.

Here, the sense shifts to grocery stores ('potravinami' in instrumental plural), indicating the flexibility of the word in compound or derived nouns.

V blízkosti nájdete niekoľko obchodov s potravinami.

You will find several grocery stores nearby.