
This is the 49th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Počet" means "number" or "count" in English.

The word 'počet' is used to indicate the 'number' or 'count' of items—in this case, beds.

Súčet počtu všetkých lôžok v hoteli je 150.

The total number of all beds in the hotel is 150.

In this sentence, 'počet' is used to describe the specified 'number' of visitors on a daily basis.

Sledovali sme denný počet návštevníkov počas festivalu.

We monitored the daily number of visitors during the festival.

Here, 'počet' refers to the 'quantity' of tickets available, indicating a constraint.

Máme obmedzený počet vstupeniek na koncert.

We have a limited number of tickets for the concert.