
This is the 811th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Počuť" means "to hear."

In this example, 'počuť' is used to indicate perceiving a sound through hearing, a literal application of the verb.

Počujem vtáky spievať na strome.

I hear birds singing in the tree.

In this sentence, 'počuť' refers to a general observation of hearing, often implying a recurring or habitual experience.

Každý deň počuť smiech detí na dvore.

Every day, one can hear children laughing in the yard.

Here, 'počuť' is used to describe the ability to perceive others' spoken words, emphasizing clarity in auditory reception.

Môžeš to zopakovať? Neviem, či som ťa dobre počula.

Can you repeat that? I am not sure if I heard you correctly.